Plus Festival

About us

O nas

Annual PLUS Polish Festival

The PLUS Polish Festival promotes Polish and Polish-American culture and traditions in a festival format. These two festive days offer an abundance of various Polish wares and culinary treats, performances and different shows, concerts, contests, children activities, craft demonstrations, art exhibitions and much more. The PLUS Festival is made possible by the financial support of the sponsors and supporters. Through the Festival, Polish organizations, professional groups, businesses, and individuals are investing in the future and longevity of Polish culture and its traditions in the Tri-State Area. 
The general purpose of the event:
  • Stimulates an interest in Poland: its history, traditions, as well as contemporary and traditional cultures.
  • Brings all Polish community groups together and raises their profile.
  • Gives the opportunity for people of Polish descent to connect with their history.
  • Celebrates and promotes the Polish culture by presenting Polish stage performances, art exhibits and sharing delicious Polish food and beer.
  • Creates a family-oriented gathering place for both Poles and non-Poles, living in the Tri-State Area and visiting, to enjoy.
  • Provides an economic opportunity for Polish entertainers, artists, and crafters to perform in front of audiences as well as Polish-American organizations and vendors to showcase their talents, products, and services.
We, Polish Americans, are proud of being an inherent part of the American society since 1608. Today we aim to continue to integrate in the large Tri-State Area community and share our joy of Polish culture with everyone!
polish flag SWP logo

Informujemy, że nasza organizacja otrzymała dotację ze środków Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów w ramach konkursu Polonia i Polacy za Granicą 2022. Nazwa zadania publicznego: „Wsparcie wydarzeń polonijnych w USA, Kanadzie, Australii” Kwota dotacji: 35 000,00 PLN. Całkowita wartość zadania publicznego: 64 490,00 PLN Zadanie publiczne „Wsparcie wydarzeń polonijnych w USA, Kanadzie, Australii”, polega na wsparciu organizacji w wynajmie sal, nagłośnienia, świateł, wynagrodzenia artystów, konferansjerów, promocji planowanych wydarzeń, bankietów.