If you aren’t familiar with Polish pierogi, you’re missing out. Little dumplings filled with everything from potatoes to pork, from cheese to strawberries are something everyone should try.
What would any Polish festival be without pierogi? That’s why PLUS Polish Festival takes pierogi seriously and hosts the annual Pierogi Eating Contest. We know there are plenty of people who like pierogi, but do you love'em enough to be Pierogi Eating Champ?
We encourage everyone to take part in this contest. Get ready to test your intestinal fortitude!
This year’s contest starts 3:00 pm on Sunday June 2nd and is open to all people who are 18 years of age or older.
Prize - AIr Fryer sponsored by KMG Auto Body.
The rules are simple: Eat 12 pierogi as quick as possible with a fork or your fingers in five minutes.
There is no entry fee; each contestant will receive a competition T-shirt.
To participate get your application here and turn in on the day of the contest.
Contest is limited to the first 12 contestants who submit their applications.
Come join us for a weekend of food, music and fun as we celebrate Polish heritage!
Did you know?
Pierogi or pierogies?
A word “pierogies” is popular in U.S. and Canada because it underlines a ‘plurality’ of this well-known Polish food. However, this is not so appropriate since in fact a mere word “pierogi” is already plural in Polish language! Its grammatical singular equivalent “pieróg” is rarely used by Poles.
Pierogarnia in Poland
When you visit Poland remember that in many Polish towns you can come across some Polish restaurants called Pierogarnia. These are places designed to offer pierogi in dozens tastes. This is a great thing for every tourist going to Poland. Most of pierogarnie (plural for pierogarnia) also sell other popular Polish food.
Pierogi Statue
A small village Glendon, Alberta, Canada unveiled its roadside tribute to pierogi in 1991. They had even appointed an Official Pierogi Committee.
Glendon's pierog is a huge statue of one pierog put on the fork. The plaque states as follows: “The Pyrogy-Pyrohy. Best made in Glendon”. Actually this statue is 25-foot height, weights 6000 pounds and it’s made of fiberglass and steel.
Guinness record in making pierogi
The Guinness record in making pierogi belongs to ten students from a Catering School in Wrocław, Poland. In 100 minutes they managed to make as many as 1663 dumplings! That was over 90 pounds. Great result has been officially written down in The Guinness Book of Records. After cooking and packing pierogi were sent to Wrocław children’s homes.
“Pierogi Pocket”
According to pierogi manufacturer Mrs. T's, based in Shenandoah, PA, pierogi consumption in the United States is largely concentrated in a geographical region dubbed the "Pierogi Pocket", an area including New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Chicago, Detroit, parts of the northern Midwest and southern New England which accounts for 68 percent of annual US pierogi consumption.