The best opportunity to advertise and promote your company
Sponsoring Polish community events is an investment, and in the case of the PLUS Polish Festival, it is also a guarantee that the support is intended for the best venture in its category, appreciated and liked by the Polish diaspora.
For many years, Polish magazine PLUS dreamed of a special occasion that would become the favorite event of the Polish community on the East Coast. Dreams have come true, the more we have the pleasure to thank all the people and companies that sponsored our Festival in previous years. Also this year, we invite all the businesses to sponsor our event.
We are pleased that an increasing number of our readers are calling us with questions about the Festival, the number of people declaring their presence at the event is growing, and more vendors come to us.
A very encouraging fact is that despite the raging pandemic, various businesses want to be part of our event. You can imagine how big an undertaking it is to organize the next edition of the Festival in these difficult times, which is why we are looking for sponsors and partners for this event. We would like to cooperate with everyone who appreciates our effort and wants to support cultural diversity on the East Coast.
A wide range of sponsorship opportunities for the Festival allows everyone to find the most convenient way to present themselves, regardless of their profile and activity. The sponsorship offer takes into account the expectations of each company and undoubtedly supports the implementation of the marketing and promotional strategy of all the companies. In return, we offer advertising and a promotional campaign for your business. It is worth remembering that our sponsors are visible not only during the festival days, but throughout the year, appearing on our festival website and Facebook.
When deciding on the sponsorship of the 12th edition of PLUS Polish Festival, it is worth bearing in mind that the advantage of our event is its range and reputation. Building the brand of PLUS Magazine, which has been very popular on the East Coast for over 13 years, is our priority. We promote businesses in PLUS, in our calendar and during the Festival.
Thanks to us, advertising reaches several thousand recipients. In quite difficult times, we can boast of consistent brand building, financial stability and a clear and factual definition of the action strategy. In the opinion of our clients, we are a reliable letter that puts the client's well-being first. Partnership with us is not only supporting culture at its best, it is a wise and profitable business decision.
We invite you to co-create this unique event, to create together with us the Festival, which already has the status of one of the most interesting Polish events on the East Coast, and thanks to our ideas and your commitment, it can become the best showcase of the Polish diaspora. We guarantee that the support of the PLUS Polish Festival, an event with a large load of positive energy, evoking the power of warm emotions, will translate into a positive image effect of your company.
The first basic advantage of the sponsorship of the PLUS Polish Festival is the possibility of personal meetings with clients. Joint conversation, exchange of opinions, discussion - this is the best chance to promote the company. As you may have noticed in the past years, many of our sponsors are present at the Festival. It is a very important experience - our readers who know businesses mainly from advertisements published in PLUS Magazine have a chance to get to know them personally. Such meetings are remembered, they inspire trust and are the basis for building cooperation.
Thousands of people who will come to the Festival will learn about our sponsors, will take home the program in which we will name all of them. They will hear the list and characteristics of companies from the stage, receive promotional materials, gadgets and leaflets, which will certainly be useful in making various life decisions. During the year, tens of thousands of people will see photos and reports from the Festival. The promotion during our event has a really huge range. The sponsors of PLUS Polish Festival are important to us throughout the year, our festival website features company logos, in each material concerning the Festival, we try to provide our readers with as much information as possible about the sponsors, thanks to which we could have fun together.
For us, a meeting with our business partners is an extremely pleasant event. Together with our sponsors, we create an event important for the Polish community in the East Coast, and the implementation of joint marketing plans leads us to build the image of a strong ethnic group.
Click here for application and more information on how you can sponsor the PLUS Polish Festival