Plus Festival

For volunteers

Volunteering opportunity

Volunteering is a great way to have fun, meet some great people, and help stage the best Polish Festival ever!

There are many opportunities to get involved:


You don’t need to know Polish or know much about Poland… If you are willing to help, we are happy to welcome you and assign a volunteer role. This festival wouldn’t be possible without the support of its volunteers!

You will be given a Festival T-shirt at the beginning of your first scheduled shift. Please wear this T-shirt during the entirety of your scheduled shift(s).

Besides your Festival T-shirt, make sure that you dress comfortably. Bring along your own caps, sunglasses and sunscreen if necessary. If rain is forecasted, bring along your rainwear and umbrellas. You will be given a food voucher at the Volunteer Centre when you arrive for your first shift every shift you work.



If you are interested in volunteering opportunities and would like to get involved, please contact us at 973-928-3838 or click here to download the application.


We appreciate our volunteers and look forward to working with you.



polish flag SWP logo

Informujemy, że nasza organizacja otrzymała dotację ze środków Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów w ramach konkursu Polonia i Polacy za Granicą 2022. Nazwa zadania publicznego: „Wsparcie wydarzeń polonijnych w USA, Kanadzie, Australii” Kwota dotacji: 35 000,00 PLN. Całkowita wartość zadania publicznego: 64 490,00 PLN Zadanie publiczne „Wsparcie wydarzeń polonijnych w USA, Kanadzie, Australii”, polega na wsparciu organizacji w wynajmie sal, nagłośnienia, świateł, wynagrodzenia artystów, konferansjerów, promocji planowanych wydarzeń, bankietów.